VisaNet +AI

VisaNet +AI is a set of network services that helps deliver smarter authorisation, clearing and settlement for banks, merchants and consumers.

A new generation of faster, smarter services

We’ve invested in the platforms needed to execute complex AI models in milliseconds, enabling new capabilities across transaction flows with the speed and reliability of VisaNet.

Smarter Stand-In Processing (STIP)

Smarter STIP helps improve payment experiences during outages by mirroring issuer approval decisions with up to 95% accuracy.¹ Learn more about STIP in the Wall Street Journal.

Smarter Posting

Smarter Posting helps enable faster consumer payment experiences and reduce confusion from posting delays.

Smarter Settlement Forecast (SSF)

SSF delivers daily settlement forecasts up to 7 days in advance, helping optimise treasury operations and liquidity.

Interested in VisaNet +AI?

Contact your Visa representative or sign up to learn more about the future of payments.

¹95% average accuracy observed in internal simulation of the Smarter STIP model offline on transactions in Q4 2019 for all Visa BINs globally.