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Taronga Zoo

Exclusive Taronga Zoo Couples Passes – International Cardholders

This offer can be redeemed online.

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Taronga Zoo


Discover Australia’s unique wildlife and support vital conservation work with a trip to Taronga Zoo. Located on the shores of Sydney Harbour, only 12 minutes by via a scenic ferry ride from the Sydney city centre, Taronga Zoo is the iconic home to over 4,000 animals. As the preferred payment partner of Taronga, you can use your Visa with ease across Taronga Zoo.

When you pay with Visa for a Visa International Couples Pass, you’ll receive general admission to Taronga Zoo Sydney for the full day plus an exclusive Visa Customer tour. You’ll learn first-hand from expert Taronga Zoo guides, showing you three of the best animal experiences in the Zoo that day.

Couples Pass – $85 AUD ($54 USD*) - General Admission tickets for two adults plus the exclusive Visa customer tour. 

To access the Visa Couples passes, you must book via the Visa booking link:

Offer only available to Visa cardholders outside of Australia. Terms and conditions apply.​ 

* USD price subject to local currency FX rates.   

Offer valid from June 18, 2023 14:00 GMT - May 31, 2026 23:59 GMT

Terms and Conditions

General Visa customer exclusive terms  
Visa customer exclusives can only be purchased with a Visa card.  
Visa cardholders who have purchased a general admission ticket via the general Taronga website (and not through the listed links above) are not eligible to the Visa customer exclusives.   
Taronga Zoo reserves the right to limit or prevent admission to ensure public safety, refuse entry to any person, require any person to leave the zoo immediately, confiscate an object; and modify at any time the Conditions of Entry set out below.  

Visa have partnered with Taronga to support vital conservation work in Australia. The partnership also unlocks memorable and exclusive experiences for Visa customers across the globe. These exclusive Visa ticket types are subject to the below terms:  

The Visa customer exclusive tour 
The Visa customer exclusive tour is only available to guests who purchase a ‘Visa Couples Single Day Visit’ or a ‘Visa Family Single Day Visit’ via the Visa booking link:  
The Visa customer exclusive tour will depart at 11am once per day.
To redeem this tour inclusion as part of your ticket, you must make yourself known to staff at the information desk at the entrance of the zoo prior to 11am. A Taronga team member will provide instructions and the tour places each day based on factors such as animal welfare, site operations, any events happening that day, weather, and if there are any new activities within the zoo.  If you do not make yourself known to staff before 11am, you will forfeit this component of your ticket.  

There is a maximum quantity of this ticket type sold each day, and your tour will have other Visa customer exclusive ticket purchases on your tour.  
In addition, you agree to be bound by the General Taronga Zoo entry terms available on the purchase site here Taronga Zoo's offer (external link, open new window)" class="vs-link-cta vs-link-inline vs-link-new-window" data-tracking="offer_merchant_terms_link_154194_2" href="">here.  

Offer details as shown are based on information provided by the Merchant. No warranties are made by Visa that the information is correct. Please check directly with Merchant to confirm availability and validity of the Offer. The Merchant is the sole provider of all goods and/or services under this offer. Accordingly, the Visa Cardholder understands, acknowledges and agrees that the procurement by him/her of any goods and/or services under this Offer shall constitute a contract solely between the merchant and him/her, and Visa is not, nor will become, a party thereto. By utilizing or attempting to utilize any of the goods and services under this Offer, the Visa Cardholder understands, acknowledges and agrees that: Any claim, complaint or dispute of any nature arising out of or in relation to the procurement, or attempted procurement by the cardholder of any goods and/or services under this offer (each a “Claim”) shall be settled by the Visa Cardholder directly with the Merchant, and Visa Cardholder shall not make any Claim against Visa. Without prejudice to the foregoing, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, Visa shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage, expenses or claim (whether direct or indirect) in relation to any personal injury, death, false representation, damage or omission arising from or in connection with the usage or attempted usage of the Offer or goods and/or services provided under the Offer. 

How to redeem

This offer can be redeemed online.

To redeem this offer online, click the button below and enter the promo code, if required, at checkout.
